NodeJS Library For Twilio Wrapper


There's one primary class named TwilioWrapper that wraps all major functions as prototype methods.


var wrapper = new TwilioWrapper(

        twilio_accountSid,                    // twilio account sid  

        twilio_authToken,                     // twilio account token

        thinQ_id,                             // thinQ id

        thinQ_token                           // thinQ token


Configuration Parameters

  • twilio_account_sid:

You can get Twilio account sid from your Twilio account dashboard.

  • twilio_account_token:

You can get Twilio account token from your Twilio account dashboard.

  • thinQ_id:

ThinQ id that you recenved when you sigend up

  • thinQ_token:

ThinQ token that you recenved when you sigend up

Initiate a call to the thinQ line

  var return_promise =, to);

Return Value: Proper promise object for the initiated twilio call if success, or null otherwise.

Quick Start Guide

Here's a simple demo code.

var TwilioWrapper = require('twilio-thinqlcr-node');

var twilio_accountSid = 'ACa5a21802beff96f147d40bf98c957038';

var twilio_authToken = '7852c807435af28d468344ca57a49d2a';

var thinQ_id = '11001';

var thinQ_token = '0c82a54f22f775a3ed8b97b2dea74036';

var wrapper = new TwilioWrapper(

        twilio_accountSid,                    // twilio account sid  

        twilio_authToken,                     // twilio account token

        thinQ_id,                             // thinQ id

        thinQ_token                           // thinQ token


var return_promise ="1234567890", "9876543210");


  console.log("Successfully initiated a new call to customer!");

  console.log("Call sid: " + call.sid);

}, function(error){



Source code is on @github.